dave & dori

These are my parents!!!! Something in me feels so deeply humbled and happy when my family asks me to photograph them. I think it’s because they really don’t have to. I feel an immense responsibility in photographing these two, in particular. Exactly as they are. In their 60s. As my kids’ grandparents. How they laugh. How they hug. I just want to preserve it with the same desperation I want to preserve all the adorable and silly things my babies do. I enjoy these people to the max and owe SOOOOOO much to them. They have all my love.
16_11_moffatt_01 Because he’s funny, and he’s always made her laugh like this. 16_11_moffatt_0516_11_moffatt_02 🙂 🙂 🙂 This is my dad’s look. I can see in his eyes how much he loves my mom, and I know that same look anytime he’s really thankful for his loved ones – especially his girls. So glad I was raised by a man who shows how he feels. 16_11_moffatt_03 And I know I’m biased, but isn’t my mom so gorgeous?! I’ll be awfully lucky if I age like her. 😉 And even more lucky if I can be as kind, gracious, optimistic and thoughtful as she is throughout my life. Mom and Dad, you guys frame whichever ones you want, but I’m putting this one up in my house. Love you both so very much. Thanks for spending a little time with me and my camera!