the lundy family
Oh, my heart! These four lit up that glowy magic hour of sunlight, and their kids filled my heart up with happy kid feelings. It was SUCH a good night!
First, meet Claire. I know. I was partial to her from the start because of her name (obviously), and those incredible baby blues. She was a champ through all our photo session antics, and it was so fun to watch her be loved on by two stellar parents and one heck of a big brother.
Speaking of big bro, meet Reed. He is incredibly determined and focused, especially when it comes to catching grasshoppers and moving orange work cones.
He also doesn’t hold back with Claire. Gosh, I love this. The life of a second-born child.
Claire! Are you kidding me?
I could tell without a doubt, Craig is such a great dad. Isn’t it amazing how you can tell that about a person from just a few hours watching a family interact? Those are two lucky kids.
That is certainly not to undermine mom! I think I could do a whole session of just Tara and Claire. They are just beyond sweet together.
Claire seems undecided about whether she’s ticklish. I’m sure Reed will keep trying.
Thanks, Craig & Tara for such a sweet night with your family!!!