the morales family
I totally fell in love with this family. I mean it, I had to hug it out with Ben after we were through. Besides being one good-lookin’ group, their fun level was a total ten! They were just nothing short of fabulous, and I LOVE the photographs we got. They are exactly the kind of images I want of my family when I have kids this age.
Meet Sam. The oldest, and definitely the fearless leader of his younger brothers.
One of my favorites. Viviana, you are gorgeous!
This is what I call a personality portrait! I asked Eli what he likes to do. He asked, “For a living?” “Sure,” I said. “Ummm…be lazy.” Ha!
And then there’s Bob…er…Ben. The funny guy. Let’s just say, this is easily the most serious image of him from the entire session.
Oh, these boys. Ben kept covering his face when he would laugh super hard, and I love this shot of him doubled over, laughing at his dad behind me.
And then there’s Gus. Such a funny little guy, and he keeps up with his older bros like a boss.
Oh, Ben….
Dance party on top of the world. These guys are awesome!
So much family love. You guys were the best, and made me so glad for what I do. Hugs!!